Thursday 6 October 2016


Mono Printing. 
  • Using salt to create texture on the paper, soaking up the ink giving a blurred effect and merging colours. 
  • Using a range of brushes and sponges to build up a print and colour. Creating different textures and brush strokes.
  • Creating expressive marks with the paint responding to my photographs, building up different layers and colours.
  • Reprinting each screen multiple times as the strength off the print decreases and the effect of the design changes but still kept the same print, colours as well are not so bold become more muted. On some of the re prints the design has created an outline of the print that resembles the neon LED lights. 
  • Also after doing a few reprints not all the print transferred onto the paper leaving clear marks within the print that build up the design which I think worked well on some designs creating negative panels from a busy design. 

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